Jan O’Neill

Manager of Community Supports

Jan has worked in the disability sector her entire career (30+ years), starting with front line work, and then moving into management.

Most of Jan’s career has been with Skills as the vision, mission and philosophy really resonates for her. Jan is also proud to be part of a learning organization that is continuing to adapt, grow and foster change in the disability sector. She has had many opportunities to participate in the various projects Skills has spear headed/participated in over her years of service and these opportunities have made Jan a better person and deepened her understanding of the complexities of supporting people to be included, “of” their communities and being recognized as valued citizens with gifts and talents to share within community.

Aa a leader, Jan believes in providing the tools and mentorship for growth and development for Skills employees and the Individuals supported by Skills, and participating alongside people in achieving the “good life”.


Heather Richards


Lisa Gillespie