CommuniTEA Infusion
CommuniTEA is a mobile tea house that travels to neighbourhoods around our city — creating a “pop-up” town square where people come together, get to know each other and strengthen connections. In today’s fast-paced society, fewer people are connected to their communities in meaningful ways. CommuniTEA becomes a gathering place for people, creating opportunities for meaningful exchange.
People with disabilities are the key leaders of this initiative taking the role of community builders in Edmonton neighbourhoods. What happens at the events is as unique as every neighbourhood, from tea with naturally flowing conversation to music while engaging in dialogue about an important topic that matters to their community. The nature of this initiative is such that it requires the contributions of community members to make it work. The essence of a CommuniTEA Infusion event is to give, connect and contribute.
In 2016 we were very excited that CommuniTEA Infusion was featured on Upworthy which has a reach over 2 million people internationally.
CommuniTEA Infusion operates between May-October each year see below for details.
Request CommuniTEA Infusion by email at or phone our coordinators at (780-619-4277)
Connect with the project and see pictures from events on Facebook and Twitter
Host a 25-30 events annually in Edmonton neighbourhoods
Provide part time employment opportunities for 5 people with disabilities and their allies who host events
Break down barriers to community connecting
Spread awareness about the valuable contributions people with disabilities make in our communities
People with disabilities become community builders, overturning negative stereotypes
Strengthened relationships between neighbours
Build community diversity, opening doors to participatory citizenship for all
First, someone from an Edmonton Neighbourhood contacts us and requests a CommuniTEA Infusion event. We need a contact person from your neighborhood who can spread the word to your fellow neighbors that the tea van is coming and can explain how neighbours can contribute to the event.
What happens at the event is as unique as every neighborhood. Some people like to have tea and let the conversations flow naturally while enjoying music and good company. Other Neighbourhoods decide that while enjoying some tea together they would like to engage dialogue about an important topic that matters to their community.
The nature of this initiative is such that it requires the contributions of community members to make it work. The essence of a CommuniTEA Infusion event is to give, connect and contribute.
Organizers and neighbors help set up the event upon arrival, like a barn raising, which engenders the feeling that everyone has cooperated to put the event on. The CommuniTea Infusion event is not just entertainment but a community collaboration. In this way, the event is inspiration and a model opportunity for all of us to take responsibility for making the places we live fun, inclusive, connected and rich with meaningful interactions among community members.
Want CommuniTEA Infusion in your neighborhood?
CommuniTEA Infusion operates from April-October every year.
Request CommuniTEA Infusion by email or phone (780-619-4277).
How you can support this project
Sponsor CommuniTEA Infusion
CommuniTEA Infusion events are free and accessible to any neighbourhood in Edmonton. The project is also an innovative way to support part time employment of people with disabilities when they host events, providing them not only a small amount of income, but the experience of being a community builder.
Funds raised for CommuniTEA will help support:
Part time employment of people with disabilities
Supplies for events and maintenance of the vehicle
A part time coordinator position
For more information on how you can support the CommuniTEA Infusion please contact:
Rebecca Rubuliak, Senior Leader of Continuous Improvement and Innovation
Skills Society Edmonton
203 Parkington Plaza
10408 – 124 Street
Edmonton, AB, Canada
T5N 1R5
Phone: (780) 496-9686 ext. 227
Fax: (780) 482-6395
Charitable Registration # 107984403 RR0001
We need drivers to get the van to Edmonton events and volunteers to help host events. If you are interested in volunteering please contact our CommuniTEA Infusion coordinator at or phone (780-619-4277).