Skills Society 2nd Annual Day of Giving

Last year's 1st Annual Day of Giving set the wheels of generosity in motion & this year a great group of people with huge hearts came together to pay it forward again....

On December 14th, citizens with disabilities, Skills Society staff & community members gathered to celebrate the magic of the season at Skills Society's second Annual Day of Giving. This year, we chose to support the Edmonton Food Bank. Leading up to the event, we gathered donated items at our office for Edmontonians who require food assistance.

The event was festive & fun, we danced to lively music, reconnected with those we haven't seen in awhile and even got a little silly capturing memories with a photo booth. The spirit of giving was in full swing as the donations under the tree grew, demonstrating the generosity and care that we all have for those in need and the gratitude we feel for a local organization that works hard to prevent hunger in our city. We ended up donating over 600lbs to the Edmonton Food Bank!Thank you to all those who helped make this event successful and for helping improve the lives of those in our community. We look forward to celebrating with you in 2017.

Happy Holidays from all of us at Skills Society!


2016 Highlights at a Glance


2016 Day of Giving in Support of the Edmonton Food Bank