Citizenship Highlights 2022 AGM Report
For many of us, citizenship is something we take for granted. It can be defined in many ways, but at its core citizenship is our sense of value and belonging. This sense of citizenship doesn’t always extend to people with disabilities. That’s why Skills Society was formed - to provide people with disabilities with the same opportunities and choices, the same ability to share their gifts and talents, and the same sense of belonging that we all enjoy…
Skills Society 2022 Virtual Annual General Meeting
You are invited to our 2022 Virtual Annual General Meeting taking place on Monday, June 27th via Zoom from 6:00-8:00pm.
Helping People Thrive: Highlighting the Outreach Emergency Fund
Skills Society’s Vision is a community where all individuals are valued citizens deserving respect, dignity, and rights. In working towards this Vision we support the people we serve to thrive in five pillars of everyday life: home life, relationships, employment…
The Future of Home Lab: What We're Learning 2021 AGM Report
In our Future of Home: Inclusive Housing Solutions Lab, we have partnered with Inclusion Alberta, Civida (formerly Capital Region Housing), and Homeward Trust to explore affordable and accessible housing solutions that…
Citizenship Highlights 2021 AGM Report
For many of us, citizenship is something we take for granted. It can be defined in many ways, but at its core citizenship is our sense of value and belonging. This sense of citizenship doesn’t always extend to people with disabilities. That’s why Skills Society was…
Skills Society Virtual Annual General Meeting
Skills Society’s 40th Annual General Meeting! Lessons, learnings and opportunities from the last year as we navigated the pandemic together You are invited to our 2021 Virtual Annual General Meeting taking place on Monday, June 28th via Zoom from 6:00-8:00pm.
Winter 2021 Newsblast
Curious about what we have been up to for the past few months? You have come to the right place! Our newsblasts are designed to be a ‘one-stop-shop’ enabling you to quickly get the scoop on goings-on, new projects, and exciting opportunities.
Happy Holidays To You & Yours
To: People we Support, Families, Guardians, Employees & Supporters of Skills Society Happy Holidays To You & Yours From: Skills Society Board and Senior Leadership December 3rd, 2020 Dear Skills Community, There is no doubt this is a…
Invitation to Participate in the City of Edmonton Corporate Accessibility Plan Phase 2 Engagement
In the spring, the City of Edmonton conducted Phase 1 of public engagement on the Corporate Accessibility Plan. Working committees used the feedback gathered to create the Accessibility Actions. The Accessibility Actions are commitments with the goal to make Edmonton…
Survey Results - Your Thoughts on Helping People Stay Connected and Safe During COVID-19
Memo to: People We Support, Families, Guardians, and Skills Society Employees Re: Survey Results – Your Thoughts on Helping People Stay Connected and Safe During COVID-19 From: Senior Leadership of Skills Society November 23, 2020 Thank you Thank you to all the…
Boyd Dymchuk and Margaret B. Receive 2020 Nina Artist Awards
Congratulations to Boyd Dymchuk and Margaret B. who both received awards at this year’s Here’s Nina annual awards gala! Every year the Nina celebrates five artists from their collective for their artistic achievement and growth. Please join us in…
Skills Survey - Your Thoughts on Helping People Stay Connected and Safe During COVID-19
Memo to: People We Support, Families, and Guardians Re: Survey – Your Thoughts on Helping People Stay Connected and Safe During COVID-19 From: Senior Leadership of Skills Society October 6, 2020 One of our core values is practicing in person-centered ways. This…
July 24th, 2020 COVID Update
Memo to: People we Support, Families, Guardians and Skills Society Employees Re: Skills Society Update – Prevention and Preparedness Regarding the Novel-Corona Virus (COVID-19) From: Executive Director and Senior Leadership of Skills Society July 24th, 2020
COVID-19 Update June 23rd, 2020 - Skills' Relaunch Plan
Memo to: People we Support, Families, Guardians and Skills Society Employees Re: Skills Society Relaunch Plan – Prevention and Preparedness Regarding the Novel-Corona Virus (COVID-19) From: Executive Director and Senior Leadership of Skills Society June 23rd…
COVID-19 Update June 12th, 2020
Memo to: People we Support, Families, Guardians and Skills Society Employees Re: Prevention and Preparedness Regarding the Novel-Corona Virus (COVID-19) From: Executive Director and Senior Leadership of Skills Society June 12th, 2020 Update We continue to follow…
COVID-19 Update June 5th, 2020
Memo to: People we Support, Families, Guardians and Skills Society Employees Re: Prevention and Preparedness Regarding the Novel-Corona Virus (COVID-19) From: Executive Director and Senior Leadership of Skills Society June 5th, 2020 Update We continue to follow…
Skills Society Virtual Annual General Meeting
We hope you can join us for our Virtual Annual General Meeting taking place on Monday, June 22nd via Zoom from 6:00-8:00pm. As best we can, using an online platform, we will ‘come together’ with the people we serve, their families and friends, and supporters of Skills…
May 1st, 2020 COVID-19 Update
Memo to: People we Support, Families, Guardians and Skills Society Employees Re: Prevention and Preparedness Regarding the Novel-CoronaVirus (COVID-19) From: Executive Director and Senior Leadership of Skills Society May 1st, 2020 Update We continue to follow…
Introducing the Virtual CommuniTEA Infusion Project
Helping People Feel Connected COVID-19 and all the changes associated with it have made it challenging for people to remain feeling connected to others in their community. With people not able to go out as often or see friends and family in person regularly, feelings…
April 13th, 2020 COVID-19 Update
Memo: New aggressive COVID-19 policy and procedures implemented at Skills Society To: All People we Support, Guardians, Families, Skills Society Employees From: Skills Society Executive Director and Senior Leadership Introduction Since early March, Skills Society has…