Come join the Future of Home Inclusive Housing Solutions Lab!
Have you ever wondered… What might an affordable housing and support model that also supports the social inclusion and belonging of people with developmental disabilities look like? About the Future of Home Inclusive Housing Solutions Lab In March of this year…
Donna Debolt FASD Training
Do you support, know, or love someone with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder? We are excited to share an upcoming learning opportunity for parents and caregivers, professionals, supports, and community partners. The wonderful Donna Debolt will be facilitating a 2-day…
How to talk about race- Shift Lab Speakers Series
Hi folks, One of our initiatives coming out of our Action Lab work – The Edmonton Shift Lab is hosting an international speakers series. The series is called “How to Have Difficult Conversations About Race” and features three prominent international speakers…
Anthropology of Disability: A University of Alberta and Skills Society Exploration
A blog post recapping the experiences of six CSL students from the U of A, while engaging in discussions with employees of Skills Society.
Video of Action Lab Launch and Keynotes
We are happy to share with you the video of the launch of Action Lab. Keynotes on Social Innovation and Change Labs by Mark Cabaj & Tim Draimin.
Invitation To Community To Engage In Research Study
We are excited to be collaborating with University of Alberta Community Service-Learning again. See below and pass along to non-profit organizations who you think could benefit.
Exploring What Our Core Values Look Like In Action
Sharing what we learned from hosting 2 recent workshops to explore what our core values mean and look like in action
Summer and Fall 2015 Newsletter
A Newsletter recapping some of the great things that Skills leaders, people we serve and volunteers have done in the Summer and Fall months of 2015. This Newsletter also provides information on upcoming Skills Society events.
Workshop: Being, Belonging, Becoming: Supporting Quality of Life
Join Skills Society for a three day workshop focused on exploring and supporting Quality of Life. Initially developed by Skills Society through an Alberta Health Services Research grant over 5 years ago, this course explores the University of Toronto model of Quality…