Donna Debolt FASD Training
Do you support, know, or love someone with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder? We are excited to share an upcoming learning opportunity for parents and caregivers, professionals, supports, and community partners. The wonderful Donna Debolt will be facilitating a 2-day, 12 hour course on FASD held at the Skills Society Action Lab on March 20th and 21st. Donna is a private practice social worker who offers training to develop and implement prevention, intervention, and management strategies to successfully support individuals and families who are dealing with alcohol-related disabilities. The workshop will explore the following topics:
Discuss the prevalence and presentation of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Understand alcohol’s effect on the developing brain and
the impact this has on learning and functionDescribe and discuss the developmental trajectory of FASD and the supports and accommodations individuals with an FASD require through their life span
Identify the underlying themes that guide practice with children, youth
and adults with an FASD.Describe and discuss the elements that support a “stable placement”
Anticipate the impact of FASD on care and care-providers and define
appropriate, realistic, and attainable goalsDescribing the value and benefits of dynamic case management
Coordinating a community response – working collaboratively
Event Details
Date: Wednesday, March 20 - Thursday, March 21, 2019
Location: Skills Society Action Lab, 10408 124 St. NW, Edmonton, AB
Cost: $315 (agencies get a complimentary 3rd registration when 2 people register; caregivers can register a primary caregiver and have a second caregiver from the same household attend at no cost)
For more information view the flyer here: FASD Training Opportunity
To register visit: