Summer 2018 Newsblast
The Summer 2018 Newsblast is here! It’s been a busy couple of months with the Annual General Meeting, the CommuniTEA Infusion season starting, and the official release of the 1.5 hour MyCompass Planning Citizen Action Lab Experience. Read on to learn more about…
Patterns & Principles We’ve Learned That Support People In Their Endeavor For The Good Life
Co-authored by the Skills Society senior leadership team – Bev Hills, Shawn Depner, Linda Marchand, Sandi Pesklevis, Karen Huta, Pat Conrad, Ben Weinlick for the 2018 AGM report. This year the senior leadership team decided to put a couple of our core values…
Newsblast - Spring 2018 Issue
Hello! My name is Paige Reeves and I’ll be spearheading the creation of a quarterly Skills Newsblast. You might recognize me from the CommuniTEA Infusion project. I was Co-coordinator of the project last year and will be again this year. I am a PhD student at…
CommuniTEA Coordinators Present at Edmonton's Next Gen
On October 24th, 2017 Co-coordinators of the CommuniTEA Infusion Project, Larry James and Paige Reeves presented at Edmonton Next Gen’s Pecha Kucha 29 Event. In this dynamic and engaging speaking format, Paige and Larry creatively crafted their words to a series of…
Academic Paper Published About Project Citizenship
We’re happy to share a recently published academic paper by our research partners from the University of Alberta on Project Citizenship. Many thanks to our collaborators and University researchers – Nancy Spencer-Cavaliere, PhD. , Bethan Kingsley, and…
Tribute to the CommuniTEA Infusion Coordinator
The CommuniTEA Infusion project is an innovative social change initiative that’s been running for over ten years. A rebuilt and beautified Volkswagen van creates a ‘pop up’ town square atmosphere where people gather, chat, and share in community over a cup of tea
2016 Highlights at a Glance
Welcome to the Skills Society newsletter The newsletter aims to summarize the highlights from a few of our key projects and collaborations! In each newsletter we interview someone connected with Skills about what one of our core values means in action.
Tyler's Story - Metal, Mosh Pits, and Magic
A Story of Tyler and his Heavy Metal Experiences in Community It Began with a Road Trip to Calgary, Alberta Not everyone will understand what it’s like to really love music the way that Tyler does. Only a few people, like Tyler, will know how awesome it is to find a…