Future of Home Lab featured by CMHC and the National Housing Strategy
We’re proud to have the Future of Home Lab, an initiative out of Skills Society Action Lab, featured by CMHC and the National Housing Strategy. In the feature story, self advocate Levi Lawton (pictured above) shares his experiences seeking housing that is…
Fund Development at Skills Society and Donor Recognition 2021 AGM Report
Each month I attend a meeting of the Skills Society Board and each month I am blown away by the way the Skills Society community comes together to travel an unpredictable path through uncharted terrain. Most days the path forward requires the many…
Approaching Advocacy: A Framework for Utilizing Your Advocacy Expertise
Each year, through the University of Alberta Community Service-Learning (CSL) Non-profit Board Internship Program, Skills Society invites students to intern with the Skills board, and as part of the internship program students complete a project to support board…
Board Chair and Treasurer 2021 AGM Report
A Year Like No Other 2020-2021 was a year like no other the Skills Society has ever experienced. The global COVID pandemic presented unrelenting daily challenges, large and small, for every member of the Skills Society family. Keeping everyone safe and well was the…
A Message of Gratitude from the Skills Society Board
A Message of Gratitude from the Skills Society Board Over one year ago, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic turned our world upside down. We have all been challenged and impacted in significant ways. The pandemic has changed the way we live, and called on us to make…
Happy Holidays To You & Yours
To: People we Support, Families, Guardians, Employees & Supporters of Skills Society Happy Holidays To You & Yours From: Skills Society Board and Senior Leadership December 3rd, 2020 Dear Skills Community, There is no doubt this is a…
Shout Out and Gratitude to the Edmonton Community Foundation!
A big thank you and shout out to our friends and allies at the Edmonton Community Foundation for donating much needed reusable masks for people we support! This goes a long way in helping people accessing AISH, who cannot afford to purchase their own masks, stay safe…
Submit a Message of Gratitude for the AGM
We need your help to make our online Annual General Meeting extra special this year We are looking for the people we support, family members, and staff to send in pictures around the theme of gratitude. All the pictures we get will be put together to make a slideshow…