Winter 2021 Newsblast
Curious about what we have been up to for the past few months? You have come to the right place! Our newsblasts are designed to be a ‘one-stop-shop’ enabling you to quickly get the scoop on goings-on, new projects, and exciting opportunities.
Winter 2019 Newsblast
Curious about what we have been up to for the past three months? You have come to the right place! Our quarterly newsblasts are designed to be a ‘one stop shop’ enabling you to quickly get the scoop on goings on, new projects, and exciting opportunities…
Summer 2018 Newsblast
The Summer 2018 Newsblast is here! It’s been a busy couple of months with the Annual General Meeting, the CommuniTEA Infusion season starting, and the official release of the 1.5 hour MyCompass Planning Citizen Action Lab Experience. Read on to learn more about…
Newsblast - Spring 2018 Issue
Hello! My name is Paige Reeves and I’ll be spearheading the creation of a quarterly Skills Newsblast. You might recognize me from the CommuniTEA Infusion project. I was Co-coordinator of the project last year and will be again this year. I am a PhD student at…
2016 Highlights at a Glance
Welcome to the Skills Society newsletter The newsletter aims to summarize the highlights from a few of our key projects and collaborations! In each newsletter we interview someone connected with Skills about what one of our core values means in action.
Summer and Fall 2015 Newsletter
A Newsletter recapping some of the great things that Skills leaders, people we serve and volunteers have done in the Summer and Fall months of 2015. This Newsletter also provides information on upcoming Skills Society events.