Citizenship Highlights 2022 AGM Report
For many of us, citizenship is something we take for granted. It can be defined in many ways, but at its core citizenship is our sense of value and belonging. This sense of citizenship doesn’t always extend to people with disabilities. That’s why Skills Society was formed - to provide people with disabilities with the same opportunities and choices, the same ability to share their gifts and talents, and the same sense of belonging that we all enjoy…
Skills Society 2022 Virtual Annual General Meeting
You are invited to our 2022 Virtual Annual General Meeting taking place on Monday, June 27th via Zoom from 6:00-8:00pm.
Citizenship Highlights 2021 AGM Report
For many of us, citizenship is something we take for granted. It can be defined in many ways, but at its core citizenship is our sense of value and belonging. This sense of citizenship doesn’t always extend to people with disabilities. That’s why Skills Society was…
Board Chair and Treasurer 2021 AGM Report
A Year Like No Other 2020-2021 was a year like no other the Skills Society has ever experienced. The global COVID pandemic presented unrelenting daily challenges, large and small, for every member of the Skills Society family. Keeping everyone safe and well was the…
COVID-19 Update June 9th, 2021 - Skills' Updated Relaunch Plan
Memo to: People we Support, Families, Guardians and Skills Society Employees Re: Prevention and Preparedness Regarding the Novel-Corona Virus (COVID-19) – Updated Skills Society Relaunch Plan From: Senior Leadership of Skills Society June 9, 2021
Skills Society Virtual Annual General Meeting
Skills Society’s 40th Annual General Meeting! Lessons, learnings and opportunities from the last year as we navigated the pandemic together You are invited to our 2021 Virtual Annual General Meeting taking place on Monday, June 28th via Zoom from 6:00-8:00pm.
Skills Society Virtual Annual General Meeting
We hope you can join us for our Virtual Annual General Meeting taking place on Monday, June 22nd via Zoom from 6:00-8:00pm. As best we can, using an online platform, we will ‘come together’ with the people we serve, their families and friends, and supporters of Skills…