We Are Skills Society 2022 AGM Report

We Are Skills Society

We are one of the largest disability service organizations in the Edmonton area. For 40 years we have provided individualized support services to people with developmental disabilities, their families, and the communities in which they live. Our work is complex but our goal is simple: help people with disabilities live safe, dignified and meaningful lives. 

Our organization was started in the 1980s by parents who wanted more for their sons and daughters - to reduce their sense of isolation by removing them from “institutions” and placing them back into the arms of society. Today, we remain connected to those roots by keeping our services person-centred and focused on the unique needs of every individual. In doing so, we reduce their isolation and improve their mental health, reduce their healthcare and justice costs, and help them set and achieve personal goals they (and their families) never thought possible. 

Who We Serve

We provide support services to children and adults with developmental disabilities, survivors of brain injuries, and their families. Support varies depending on the level of need and qualifications for government funding. For some, we may provide a few hours of outreach support each week. For others, it involves 24/7 supported community living. We also work with those who are defined by PDD as having complex service needs. 



A community where all individuals are valued citizens deserving respect, dignity and rights.


We support individuals with disabilities and their families in their right to learn and grow in the community. Our services strengthen belonging and encourage and support individual choice and opportunity.

Our Core Values

We never forget to keep the voices of those we serve at the centre of our planning and practices.

Why it Matters

In the past, people with disabilities were left out of important conversations that affected their lives. We believe that our planning, policies, procedures, and pathways are more effective when they are informed by and responsive to the needs of the people whose lives they impact.

By working with others, we build a stronger community of neighbours, leaders and advocates.

Why it Matters

We believe that real social change comes from collective effort. By sharing resources and working closely with other like-minded organizations, we raise the voice of the disability community and take a leading role in building more inclusive communities.

We know that supporting people’s citizenship is complex. Through creativity, determination and collaboration we can tackle any challenge. 

Why it Matters

Helping people with disabilities live fulfilling lives is not an easy, straightforward road. It is complex work - from the needs of the people we serve to the interconnected policies that shape their world. Rather than shy away from these challenges, we meet them head-on with creativity, determination and collective effort. 

We build our supports to adapt to the unique needs of each person. At the same time, we strive to shift our services and priorities to meet changing times. 

Why it Matters

Life is full of change. We know that if our strategies and systems are too rigid and static, we risk our services becoming less useful or relevant. Instead, we are stronger when we are more agile in responding to changing contexts and uncertain times. 

In order to continually improve the support we provide, we’re not afraid to learn from others and try new ideas. 

Why it Matters

In order to become better problem solvers, we work hard to learn through our actions and study excellence in others. We are committed to trying new ideas, seeking input on our work, and building a learning organization each and every day. 

Skills Helps People Thrive in Five Pillars of Everyday Life

We build each of our services to help people with disabilities thrive in five pillars of everyday life

Weaving it Together, a Journey Metaphor

There is quite a bit of detail in our vision, mission, and values and a metaphor might help with remembering the purpose of each element, and how it contributes to our core purpose of supporting people with disabilities to lead good lives - lives that are vibrant, filled with opportunities for learning and doing, rich with relationships, and anchored in a sense of belonging. 

Imagine we’re on a metaphorical journey alongside people with disabilities and families we serve. 

Our Vision is the destination we want to reach together. 

Our Mission is like a boat we’ve built to get us to our destination. 

Our Values and Thrive in Five approach are what each crew member on the ship needs to know and practice in order to be able to lead, set the sails properly and keep everyone on course towards our destination. 

It takes everyone working together with Vision, Mission, Values and Thrive in Five approach to help us reach our destination. 

You might wonder with this metaphorical ship, “Who is the captain?” or “Who decides who does what on the ship?”. On this ship, everyone is a servant leader and able to step in to help where required. People we serve and families are often guiding the wheel of the ship and sometimes they need others to step in and help keep the ship moving. We can switch in and out of these roles because ideally each crew member is grounded in the values and Thrive in Five approach that enables continued progress even when we face tough waters. 

Throughout the journey we all need to be checking in - check the various navigation instruments and compass - and ask ourselves “Are we on course?” or even, “Is there a scenic detour showing up that we want to take that will add some richness to the journey?”. As leaders on this journey alongside people with disabilities we serve, we need to be continuously reflecting and thinking about when we need to step in to lead more, or when we need to step back and let others lead. This supports us in understanding our responsibility to ourselves and others, raising ethical questions, and taking actions to help Skills with living our shared values. 


Skills Society Picnic 2022


Fund Development at Skills Society 2022 AGM Report