We’re participating in the 10th annual Giving Tuesday!

Hello Friends of Skills Society!

You may have heard of Giving Tuesday - a global day of giving that marks the ‘unofficial’ start of giving season across Canada. Giving Tuesday has become a special day for Canadians to donate their time, resources and talents to make an impact in their communities. This year we’re asking you to consider a Giving Tuesday donation to Skills Society. Your donation will support the meaningful inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in our community.

Our donors are essential in helping people with disabilities truly thrive in our community

In recent years, we are learning that our community does not realize how underfunded Skills Society is. The majority of our funding comes from the Government of Alberta for direct, 24/7 support to the people we serve. This funding is based on approved direct service budgets for each individual we serve. However, with no cost of living increase ever in the sector, nor any overall budget increase since 2014 from government, our ability to provide these important supports is becoming more and more constrained. In particular, we are not funded for emergency needs when people we support are in crisis and need food, clothing, and accessibility equipment. Despite these challenges, everyday we strive to not only provide daily support services, but focus on helping people we serve to thrive and lead full lives as citizens that are part of vibrant communities. We need your support now more than ever.

Donating on Tuesday, November 29th (or any day!) is easy. Just go to https://www.canadahelps.org/en/giv3/9987 

Sometimes helping people thrive starts with ensuring their basic needs are met. This year, all funds raised through Giving Tuesday will go directly towards our Emergency Fund. The Emergency Fund provides funds for essential items when the people we serve are in, or about to be in, crisis with no other services to turn to. Some examples of how the funds are used include avoiding eviction, moving out of homelessness, emergency food, and mobility and other disability aides. Learn more about this fund and the work we do every day to challenge old ways of thinking and improve the lives of the people we serve at skillssociety.ca.

By participating in Giving Tuesday and selecting Skills Society as your charity of choice, you are actively helping to:

  • Tackle isolation and marginalization of people with developmental disabilities

  • Boost innovation in helping citizens with disabilities to thrive

  • Ensure basic needs are met when people with disabilities are in, or about to be in, crisis

  • Create our shared vision of a vibrant community where every citizen is treated with respect, dignity and belongs for who they are

On behalf of our Skills Society family, thank you for considering Skills Society this Giving Tuesday.



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