Best Wishes for the Holidays

Image of yellow, red, blue, and green Christmas lights strung across an off white background

Happy Holidays Everyone. 

We’re thinking of our Skills community and wishing everyone peace, happiness and meaningful connection with family and friends during this holiday season. 

We recognize that for some folks the holiday season can be a tough time. We also know that what can make it a little better, is the way our Skills community shows care and kindness to bring a bit of light to each other, our neighbors, and fellow citizens we share our communities with. 

Remember that kindness doesn’t have to be shown in big actions. Kindness can be the little things - like reaching out to someone, checking in with someone, sharing a kind word or sharing a thought with someone of what you’re grateful to them for. This is the kind of light and generosity of spirit we can all strive to bring to life in little ways in these times. 

From Skills leadership, we are wishing everyone safe times and that you are both able to receive the holiday spirit of generosity, and be part of creating holiday spirit for others you’re connected with.

Take care of yourselves. Take care of others. Thank you for looking out for each other and being part of supporting people with disabilities to thrive in community life. 

Ben Weinlick and Senior Leadership of Skills 

Image of yellow, red, blue, and green Christmas lights strung across an off white background

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