Emily Kucher

Manager of Community Supports

Emily has been in the disability field since 2008. She began working at Skills Society as an outreach worker in 2013 after completing her bachelor’s degree in anthropology and psychology. Emily quickly developed a passion for helping people and has a special interest in supporting people with FASD. She has been involved with innovative housing projects here at Skills Society and appreciates opportunities like these to tackle filling service gaps in the disability sector. Emily’s approach to support is to meet people where they are at, focusing on strengths and abilities and using person centered planning to drive the path forward towards a meaningful life. She believes that everyone deserves to feel supported, valued, and involved in the world around them.

Emily focuses on collaboration, relationship building and quality assurance in her leadership. You’ll often find her cracking jokes to break the ice and offering a listening ear over a coffee. Emily is driven by curiosity and a desire to get to the root cause of complex issues. Outside of work, Emily spends time with her young family including her two cats. She is a self-proclaimed plant lady, is passionate about music and likes to travel when she can.

A women smiling. She has short cropped hair, is wearing glass, and has a necklace on.

Emily Hamilton


Heather Richards